Todd Emerson - Intimacy Coordinator

+64 21 654 043

‘I’ve worked as a performer for over 20 years and bring all of my professional experience to this work, as well as the essential human traits I hold important - kindness, empathy, and a sense of play. I strive to create safe, warm and supportive environments both on set and in the rehearsal room to enable artists to perform at their best.’

Jordan Mooney, Actor

“Todd was outstanding. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable I’ve felt to play in an intimate scene before. He was so able to read the room and provide what was specifically required for us. He enabled us to feel free, safe, and in control.”

Eleanor Bishop, Director

“Todd creates such a safe and robust environment to undertake intimacy work, through our working relationship and his support I’ve felt the confidence to tackle some really challenging material. He is a joy to work with.”